Moncks Corner Attractions
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Cypress Gardens - Moncks Corner

Cypress Gardens - Moncks Corner
Moncks Corner, SC 29461
Hours: Park is open daily from 9:00a - 5:00p
At Cypress Gardens you can take a swamp boat ride or visit the Butterfly House. There is also the Swamparium which has large tanks and terrariums which feature fish, amphibians, and reptiles native to the swamp and waterways. There are also animals from swamps from around the world such as the South American anaconda and the African crocodile.
At the Butterfly House you can enjoy the many flowering plants, live butterflies, birds and a observation beehive.
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Mepkin Abbey and Gardens - Moncks Corner

Mepkin Abbey and Gardens - Moncks Corner
Moncks Corner, SC 29461
Hours: Tuesday – Saturday: 9:00a - 4:00p, Sunday: 1:00p - 3:00p
Guided Tours: 11:30a & 3:00p during open hours
Once a month, on a Friday, the monks have a day of total silence and solitude. They call these the “Desert Days” and no tours of the monastery are given on these days. Please see the
for the dates.Mepkin Abbey is a community of Roman Catholic monks established in 1949 on the site of the historic Mepkin Plantation located on the Cooper River.
Many visitors come to see the Mepkin Abbey Church and the Nancy Bryan Luce Gardens. Visitors can walk the Gardens leisurely. For visitors wishing to visit the Church, there are guided tours at 11:30a (Tuesday through Saturday) and 3:00p (Tuesday through Sunday).
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Old Santee Canal Park in Moncks Corner SC

Moncks Corner, SC 29461
Hours: 9:00a to 5:00p
$3.00 per person
$2.00 Senior Citizens (65+)
Free for children 6 & younger
The construction of the nations first canan began in 1793, 10 years after America declared their independence from the Bristish Empire. The canal was named the Santee Canal. The Santee Canal was 22 miles long with w locks to lift boats from the Santee River to the summit level and seven locks for the descent of the boasts to the Cooper River.
Today, most fo the Santee Canal lies beneath Lake Moultrie, but visible portions remain where boast entered from the Santee River and at Biggin Creek. In Moncks Corner is where you will find the Old Santee Canal Park.
The 195 acre park was opened in 1989. Among its attractions re the Stony Landing House, built in 1843, and four miles of boardwalks through the quiet backwaters of Biggin Creek and its surrounding swamp. The Interpretive Center has historical records of the area's history that date back to 4000 B.C. It also includes the 1863 construction fo the Little David which is a semisubmersible Confederate torpedo boat used in the Civil War.