Charleston SC Events Calendar
Church Street Daughters of the Late Unpleasantness Garden, Gun & Gin Club Mystery
Friday 02 August 2019, 08:00pm
Hits : 432
Contact (843) 937-6453
The Church Street Daughters of the Late Unpleasantness have held their monthly Garden, Gun & Gin Club since long before miniskirts, meter maids, and men wearing shorts replaced good southern decency. But now the "ladies" must band together with volunteer audience actors to overcome the greatest invaders to the southern way of life since General Sherman and the palmetto bug! For today marks the first time the Club has ever opened up the doors to men and ... shudder ... Yankees!
Tickets: $24.00
Doors open 30 minutes before show begins
For additional information: The Black Fedora Comedy Mystery Theatre
Location 164 Church Street
Black Fedora Comedy Mystery Theatre