Charleston SC Events Calendar

Church Street House and Garden Tour
Saturday 12 October 2019, 02:00pm - 05:00pm
Hits : 194

Often referred to as the most romantic street in America, Church Street features both glorious double houses and iconic Charleston single houses. The Charleston single house is not a style but a house type that, with its distinctive piazza element, has been adapted to its environment and is perfectly suited to the place. This house form persisted as the favored building type from the late 17th to the early 20th century, morphing along with changes in architectural taste from Colonial to Victorian and back to Colonial Revival, all the while maintaining its original integrity. Inside these houses is found exceptional craftsmanship in such elements as exquisite chandeliers and hand carved fireplaces. Church Street is a fascinating mix of houses, gardens, churches, and shops.

Tickets: $60.00

For additional information: Preservation Society of Charlestson