Charleston SC Events Calendar

Broad Street House and Garden Tour
Friday 11 October 2019, 02:00pm - 05:00pm
Hits : 210

Charleston's Civic Square, at the corner of Broad and Meeting Streets, was the gateway to the old walled city. Public buildings were erected on the square starting with the courthouse in 1680 (on the site of the original Post Office). Originating from a notation in "Ripley's Believe It or Not" in the 1930s, the intersection of Broad and Meeting Streets is often referred to as the "Four Corners of Law." The historic civic and domestic architecture along Broad Street remains a testament to the grace and elegance that is in Charleston's very DNA. Adding to the street's charm is its great variety of architectural styles -- from early Georgian and Federal through Gothic Revival and Italianate to Queen Anne and Second Empire -- as houses were rebuilt after a fire ravaged much of the area. Broad Street is described by the American Planning Association as a "great street.".

Tickets: $60.00

For additional information: Preservation Society of Charlestson